


In recent years, the attitude of young population towards the media has shifted to social media, video reporting and Youtube. In addition to the basics scriptwriting and videography, the media industry urgently need talents in cloud technology, digital media, AI and big data analysis.In order to cultivate graduates in both humanities and media professionals, the newly established “Bachelor Program in Digital Media and Technology” is conducted in English, with a strong focus on practical training, heavy employment of faculties with industry background and hands-on practices using facilities from Da Ai TV.The highlights of this program are:

  1. Creative Process: Cultivate design confidence and focus on design thinking and strategic problem solving process.
  2. Foundation Training: Fundamental buildup of media and technology skills.
  3. Media Professions: Provide training in traditional media studio as well as going beyond into the new media evolution.
  4. Digital Technology: Infusion of AI, big data analysis, drone flying, digital marketing and media innovation.
  5. Practical learning: Accumulating a full range of practical experience in the media professions through integrated project learning.
  6. Other professions: Cross-disciplinary studies in medical, environmental, social, management, psychology and other related majors according to students’ individual interests.



  1. 設計思考:以創新設計和策略性思緒培育設計所需之信心及解決問題能力。
  2. 基礎訓練:培育業界所需之基礎媒體與科技技能。
  3. 媒體專業:培育傳統影視媒體所需之企劃、攝影、剪輯等專業並進一步邁入新媒體專業領域。
  4. 數位科技:人工智能、大數據分析、空拍機實作、數位行銷、媒體創新等之結合與運用。
  5. 整合實作:以整合型專案實作累積全方位的媒體實務經驗。
  6. 跨域學習:依學生個別興趣選修醫療、環境、社會、管理、心理等相關專業。